Thank you for tales I did not know. Terrific writing!

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Heather Cox Richardson adds some telling details that highlight the contrast between Carter and Maddox:

"[Carter’s] predecessor, Maddox, had refused to let state workers take the day off to attend services for the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s funeral; Carter pointedly hung a portrait of King – as well as portraits of educator Lucy Craft Laney and Georgia politician and minister Henry McNeal Turner – in the State Capitol."


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Thank you, I appreciate it!

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Excellent.. Except it was 1971(not 1975)

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I see it was updated👍

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Thank you, and thank you for the catch!

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Good read. Thanks for putting this together.

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Thank you!

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Happy New Years to this community..!!..🍻🍻🍻

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Good article. I still think he was a politically problematic president, but you can't argue his post-presidency wasn't great!

I didn't know just how white-knuckled his campaigns in Georgia were, or how much he dabbled in the unethical. Keeping in mind that Obama's first political success involved knocking a primary opponent off the ballot, I guess all successful politicians had something arguably unseemly in their political past, but not all of them had to pander to vicious racists in order to win election. I absolutely do take it as a given that Carter did have to do that to win. But it's highly unsavory and puts him in a very different light than what most people know about him from his later career.

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Carter. The Un-Democrat.

Thus the Democrat Jimmy Carter—not Republicans Richard Nixon or Ronald Reagan—first discarded New Deal policies that had long sustained growth and raised wages for all workers. He spurned Keynesianism, deregulated industries from airlines to banking, and fatally abandoned a labor-reform bill that unions saw as vital to their survival.


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