If Pete Buttigieg were Governor of or Senator from Michigan (or Indiana), I would agree. The problem is that he is not that at all. If Barack Obama were not a US Senator first, he doesn't get elected President in 2008. Buttigieg doesn't get special treatment because he has a pretty face.
Pete is calm, brilliant in communication, very educated, a veteran and someone with principles who the country can look up to.
Elections here often result in the country electing the exact opposite of the current president. In 2028, Pete might fit this perfectly.
He’ll never be elected president. In 2028 at least.
I've learned to never say never.
And not just because of his sexual orientation.
Yeah his career is stuck. Unless gets the VP pick, he doesn’t have much hope. And even then, VP’s don’t move POTUS very often.
And save for electoral disasters, we Democrats don't tend to put non statewide elected candidates on either end of our Presidential ticket.
If Pete Buttigieg were Governor of or Senator from Michigan (or Indiana), I would agree. The problem is that he is not that at all. If Barack Obama were not a US Senator first, he doesn't get elected President in 2008. Buttigieg doesn't get special treatment because he has a pretty face.