I mean I don't think the DNC can create apolitical podcasts for PresiDem nominee and others to go on. I think you might have mentioned it first here but I really like the idea of the shadow cabinet which can go out and do interviews and if their expertise is relevant hit some of the apolitical podcasts and other media seamlessly. I can s…
I mean I don't think the DNC can create apolitical podcasts for PresiDem nominee and others to go on. I think you might have mentioned it first here but I really like the idea of the shadow cabinet which can go out and do interviews and if their expertise is relevant hit some of the apolitical podcasts and other media seamlessly. I can see Shadow secs. relevant to tech on tech podcasts, commerce on finance ones etc.
I mean I don't think the DNC can create apolitical podcasts for PresiDem nominee and others to go on. I think you might have mentioned it first here but I really like the idea of the shadow cabinet which can go out and do interviews and if their expertise is relevant hit some of the apolitical podcasts and other media seamlessly. I can see Shadow secs. relevant to tech on tech podcasts, commerce on finance ones etc.
We could call it the Truth Cabinet™.