If this helps us I wouldn't expect it to happen via reverse coattails — the top of the ticket doing better because someone downballot is doing better.
Instead, if it helps us it's by damaging the republican brand across the state. Robinson is a statewide elected republican that enjoyed the party's support up until now, when he was already…
If this helps us I wouldn't expect it to happen via reverse coattails — the top of the ticket doing better because someone downballot is doing better.
Instead, if it helps us it's by damaging the republican brand across the state. Robinson is a statewide elected republican that enjoyed the party's support up until now, when he was already known to be extreme. Persuadable voters might find it easier to conclude that Trump is a toxic extremist when they're willing to conclude that Robinson is a toxic extremist. If the two most prominent republican candidates in the state are toxic extremists, it's not much of a leap to conclude that applies to the whole party.
Not saying that will or won't happen. If we do benefit across the state, I'd expect it'd be that way and not reverse coattails.
I very much agree with your thought process. I do think that if she ultimately wins NC that parsing out whether it was because she tied Trump and Robinson together or because of reverse coattails in the way that we think about that term, both sides will claim that to be the case and it'll be essentially impossible to disprove either argument.
If this helps us I wouldn't expect it to happen via reverse coattails — the top of the ticket doing better because someone downballot is doing better.
Instead, if it helps us it's by damaging the republican brand across the state. Robinson is a statewide elected republican that enjoyed the party's support up until now, when he was already known to be extreme. Persuadable voters might find it easier to conclude that Trump is a toxic extremist when they're willing to conclude that Robinson is a toxic extremist. If the two most prominent republican candidates in the state are toxic extremists, it's not much of a leap to conclude that applies to the whole party.
Not saying that will or won't happen. If we do benefit across the state, I'd expect it'd be that way and not reverse coattails.
This is what some people mean by reverse coattails (I don’t think turnout will change but the brand is messy across the board)
I very much agree with your thought process. I do think that if she ultimately wins NC that parsing out whether it was because she tied Trump and Robinson together or because of reverse coattails in the way that we think about that term, both sides will claim that to be the case and it'll be essentially impossible to disprove either argument.
I think Larry Sabato is going to do an after action report on this after November 5(I very much look forward to his take)
I am really shocked how Robinson got elected as Lt. Governor in the first place if it means he and his campaign are imploding now.
Nevertheless, we should thank him for his service to the country by being in the NC-GOV race. /s