I edited my original comment to reflect the fact that it was the FBI investigation, not the controversy, that happened when Gillum was the Democratic Gubernatorial Nominee.
I believe Gillum was indicted but found not guilty of lying to the FBI.
Three things on Graham 1) Her voting record was designed to get her reelected in FL-02. The previous Dem congressman from the area Allen Boyd was also one of the most right-leaning members of the Dem caucus in his time and would stand out for things like agreeing to negotiate on privatizing social security with the Bush Administration. Things that we toxic to any mainstream Dem voter, that was essentially her model and when mid-decade redistricting carved up her seat she really didn't have enough time for the "evolution" of her FL-02 positions to make her palatable to the rest of the state.
2) North Florida is one of the least populated and least Dem areas of the state.
3) This is subjective but every indication I saw and heard personally and from people on the ground was that her campaign was as exciting as dry paint.
It's possible Gillum could have won the FL-GOV race if he didn't have the FBI investigation clouding his campaign.
On the other hand, Gwen Graham wouldn't have been a bad Democratic Gubernatorial Nominee if she won the primary. Unless there's something I'm missing.
The controversy was years afterwards(the real controversy; not the fake one about the Broadway tickets)
I edited my original comment to reflect the fact that it was the FBI investigation, not the controversy, that happened when Gillum was the Democratic Gubernatorial Nominee.
I believe Gillum was indicted but found not guilty of lying to the FBI.
Three things on Graham 1) Her voting record was designed to get her reelected in FL-02. The previous Dem congressman from the area Allen Boyd was also one of the most right-leaning members of the Dem caucus in his time and would stand out for things like agreeing to negotiate on privatizing social security with the Bush Administration. Things that we toxic to any mainstream Dem voter, that was essentially her model and when mid-decade redistricting carved up her seat she really didn't have enough time for the "evolution" of her FL-02 positions to make her palatable to the rest of the state.
2) North Florida is one of the least populated and least Dem areas of the state.
3) This is subjective but every indication I saw and heard personally and from people on the ground was that her campaign was as exciting as dry paint.
Boyd Social Security story: (https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2005-feb-02-na-speech2-story.html)